While we are young, it seems to us that old age will never come or that it is almost an impossible fact. However, when we reach adulthood we feel a certain confusion, we try to find a space for ourselves and configure our lives with what we have learned from our parents and the environment in general. At this stage, dad and mom are already going through the elderly, at which time we must care and watch over them, always considering that caring for older adults implies a challenge and great responsibility.
The acceptance of this stage is not easy at times. Seeing them bent over, dependent, sometimes disabled, with memory problems, with childish attitudes or that reduce their abilities is difficult for children, in this stage that follows those in which we saw them as strong and energetic, taking care of us, guiding us and advising us while we were growing up. . It is then that we must assume this new reality in order to keep them company, protect them and give them back all the love they were able to give us before. Many times the stage after the age of 60 has been defined as “the golden years”.
Of course, old age has not been viewed equally in all societies and cultures. In some, it has been perceived as equivalent to wisdom, prestige, in others as that stage in which physical and mental faculties are usually lost, and in others as a punishment. Currently, there are many social, political, health and economic policies that have been promoted in favor of the elderly. However, it is very important to take care of them with dignity at home, ensuring that they have the best rest, enjoyment and quality of life in their later years.
Mechanisms that can help in the care of older adults
Obviously, when the time comes when parents, grandparents or any other family member need our help more since they are not usually able to be as independent as before or they simply need us to assist them with certain activities, that is when we must be able to provide it the most. to every possible extent. Their mind and body no longer work in the same way, which leads them to begin to suffer from dissimilar pathologies. This implies certain challenges to face given the emotional and physical deterioration that the care of someone who is going through their last years demands.
Some of the tips that you can consider are the following:
1. Everything you do for them, even the smallest, do it with patience, love and respect.
2. Keep in mind to do regular medical checkups.
3. Plan a routine that they enjoy and find useful.
4. Conditions the home so that it is safe, comfortable and protected.
5. Don't hold back their independence and ability to make decisions just because you want to help them and believe that you will do better for them while they can fend for themselves. Think that being sedentary could depress them, invalidate them or accelerate the deterioration process.
6. Provide a balanced diet and optimal hygiene and care conditions.
7. Stay on top of the tasks that interest them the most and encourage them to keep up their social activity.
8. Encourage them to do low-impact exercises and make it a routine, for example, walking.
9. Stimulate your mind by doing cognitive exercises, socializing, entertaining or reading, etc.
10. Accompanying them with a pet can be very healthy, even more so if they spend almost all the time alone.
11. Remember that their emotional health is also important, so you must listen to them, share with them as much as possible and spend quality time with them.
12. Being responsible with the provision of adequate medication for older adults is essential.