When it comes to eliminating thoughts, the first step once they appear is to examine their content to analyze what may be affecting us and producing them. Exploring our thoughts is very important to find the difficulty we face and find the solution, establishing an action plan for it. Likewise, it is relevant to accept them, but without dwelling on them. It has been confirmed that, by accepting them, the energy we use to combat it is less, which reduces emotional stress and how it is reflected unpleasantly on our physique. However, we must know that if the emotional stress, a consequence of negative thinking, is very high, it will be very difficult to regain stability and balance in our psychological state, since it involves great mental effort and will, similar to what happens with post-traumatic stress disorders.
How to avoid distorting the situation and combat negative thoughts?
It is important to know that, to combat any negative idea, we must first analyze if we have distorted the content of thought, if there is any error around what we have perceived that has led us to think negatively and then work on a cognitive restructuring to determine what it is. the true reality, which may well differ from what we have thought. If we could see how distant our thoughts are from reality, we will surely be able to reduce the worry associated with them.
Plan to act
When a negative thought refers to future events, we must determine how to act. Everything we do must be related to how to avoid it or, even when it appears, reduce its negative consequences. An example of this could be making a greater effort to avoid diseases and lead a healthy lifestyle, studying to face future challenges, reestablishing social ties to face loneliness, etc. This, without a doubt, contributes greatly to feeling in control, confidently facing any situation and, fundamentally, any negative thought that arises.
Can you separate yourself from your thoughts?
In order to eliminate negative thoughts, it is recommended to distinguish between who is thinking and the thought itself. This means that, on the one hand, there is us as beings with consciousness and the capacity to produce countless thoughts of different kinds and, on the other hand, there is the thought that occurs in our mind. If we are aware that we are not the thought itself, but that it is nothing more than a result of the mind, we will be able to manage it in a better way. It is significant to work on achieving the ability to be the observers of our thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and be aware of this to change our way of thinking, acting and managing feelings. It would be very useful to start a conversation with ourselves by asking ourselves, for example, what we gain and what we lose if we keep those thoughts, if it favors someone, if it really turns out to focus on them and discard other ideas that might be more pleasing, etc. Likewise, to combat negative thoughts we need to know that it is necessary to “stop.” To achieve this we could use simple techniques such as pinching ourselves or giving ourselves a small slap in the face. This will lead us to focus on that sensation, and then smile, telling ourselves something like “enough! I'm going to focus on something else now.” It could also be useful to imagine a word or object that causes us antipathy or rejection, linking it to the negative thought, with the purpose of discarding it from the mind when it appears. This is considered a way of learning by classical conditioning. Each time it must be the same symbol for learning to happen and then habit in practice.
Get distracted
It is also advisable to focus our attention on other activities that are related to everyday life or the environment, and that help replace these thoughts with other more attractive and pleasant experiences, such as cleaning our room, doing physical exercise or doing some relaxation technique. , listen to music, write a journal, do crafts, etc. At the same time, it would be useful to reinforce these activities through self-reward. Thus, we can counteract the negativity and suffering that these thoughts produce, becoming aware that they may not fit reality, so it would be unfair to ourselves to welcome them into our minds.
Remember that: "Not even your worst enemies can hurt you as much as your thoughts".