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Cabin Syndrome

The pandemic and the isolation to which we were subjected had a high impact on our lives, first, due to the surprise, anxiety and fear factors experienced, but also due to the fact of having to remain confined at home which, although for many it was positive over time, for others it has had a negative impact. However, thanks to our sense of survival and adaptive capacity, each home has become that "cabin" that provides us with calm, peace and security. As a result of that, several things changed for many people, including the fact that many are still suffering from anxiety and irritability having had to resume their routines and go out on the streets again, which still represents a danger, even if it is said that it has returned to normal.

What is called "Cabin Syndrome"?

The fear of being exposed, whether imaginary or real, when going out of the house after spending a long time without having been in contact with the outside has been called “cabin syndrome”. Due to this, certain people manifest avoidance behaviors or a lack of motivation to carry out any errand that leads to leaving their home. The fear and restlessness that occur in such scenarios is considered normal, since it is true that there is always a risk of contagion. Likewise, fear, as an emotion, exercises its function by indicating the possibility of danger. However, what really matters is knowing how to properly manage emotions without them paralyzing our lives. It is always valid to emphasize that this so-called cabin syndrome does not constitute a psychological disorder, but a set of signals and reactions of a cognitive and emotional nature linked to certain experiences.

Symptoms of "Cabin Syndrome"

The symptoms that are generally manifested are linked to depression and anguish, although it is considered that they do not reach that clinical diagnosis. Among the most recurring emotions are accentuated:

• Nervousness

• The fear

• Capsizing

• Loss of appetite

• Laziness

• The avoidance of contact with others and of activities carried out in the external environment.

• Lack of concentration

• The insomnia

How to overcome Cabin Syndrome?

• Normalizing these emotions. It should be known that it is normal to feel these emotions given that these types of circumstances have been experienced and the risk of contagion continues, not only from COVID, but from any other virus that emerges.

• Exposure yourself to the outside environment gradually: first try to take short walks in spaces not very crowded with people and gradually increase their duration.

• Take all possible precautions. Although we cannot be in control of everything, we can take all possible measures to prevent any type of situation.

• Do not make excuses for the possibility of leaving home thinking that there is no need.

• Do pleasant activities.

• Express to other close people what you feel.

• Gradually return to the previous routine.

• Seek professional help in case you feel you already need it.

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